Change to Student ID Numbers Starting with Zero

Jun. 07, 2017

CBE Student ID Numbers that begin with the number zero will be changing. The number one will be added to the beginning of ID numbers that currently start with a zero. For example, student ID #000123456 will now be #1000123456. This minor change to some student ID numbers is necessary as the CBE begins to implement a new student information system. The change to affected student ID numbers will be made by Aug. 7, 2017.

Students use their CBE ID numbers to log into CBE computers and a number of online CBE applications such as D2L and Iris.

Student passwords will not change and Alberta Education Numbers (ASN) will not change. We will notify anyone affected when the change is completed to minimize the interruption to students’ online access during the summer and into the new school year.

The CBE is committed to protecting students’ learning information.
