CBE Students with Autism Prepare for Employment

Sep. 11, 2018

For immediate release

​PDF of Media Advisory

CALGARY — Media are invited to attend as the Minister of Education David Eggen meets with high school students with autism who are participating in the Worktopia Project, which aims to increase employment readiness skills and experiences for students with autism.

The Worktopia Project, offered in collaboration with the Sinneave Family Foundation and funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities Program, was designed to complement Alberta Education’s off-campus education program. The project improves employment futures of youth with autism as they transition from high school to independent adulthood. The Worktopia Project aims to provide meaningful opportunities for individuals with autism to explore their interests and abilities in a wide variety of workplace settings, while developing skills necessary for greater independence and future employment success. Students receive credits towards their high school diploma and both students and parents report positive impact on student readiness skills and employment confidence.

Media are invited to film and photograph students in Dr. E.P. Scarlett’s student learning and wellness room named ‘Sokinaapi’, which means to ‘make well’. Providing students with personalized employment skill development is one of many supports offered in the Sokinaapi safe and caring space including building healthy self-awareness, relationships, physical and mental health.

CBE representatives, trustees, parents and program partners, as well as Minister Eggen will be on site and available for interviews.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, Sept. 13
Time: 1:30 – 2 p.m.
Place: Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School – 220 Canterbury Dr. S.W.
Environmental Considerations: To respond to sensory preferences of students, lights may be dimmed and noise level of room reduced.


Media Advisory

Media Relations

t | 403-819-2317

e | mediarelations@cbe.ab.ca

 Supporting Documents

Note | Principals have a responsibility to limit media coverage only to students approved for interviews. Reporters attending an event are requested to receive permission from a CBE contact before interviewing or photographing students. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, and for joining us in celebrating public education.