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Concerns & Complaints

Working Together: Concerns,​ Complaints and A​ppeals​

Addressing your concerns and complaints

We know that the success of your student is dependent on a strong partnership between families and the CBE. The CBE also recognizes that parents and students occasionally disagree with our decisions. We are committed to hearing and responding to your concerns in a respectful, courteous and timely manner.

All concerns and complaints are treated confidentially.

Working with the school

Step 1: Speak with your child's teacher. Most concerns can be addressed at the classroom level. It's usually helpful to arrange a time with them in advance to speak privately. 

Step 2: Speak with your school's principal. After meeting with the teacher, if you feel your issue is still unresolved, arrange a time to meet with your principal. They will work with you and the teacher to address your concern.

Advancing your concern beyond the school level

Note that the following steps will not be permitted until you have completed Steps 1 and 2, above. Do not submit a Concerns and Complaints form until you have spoken with your child's teacher and your school principal. ​

Step 3: If you are unable to resolve the issue with your school's principal, you can submit a completed Concerns and Complaints Form. Your school will provide you with the name of your education director or you can find the information on our Area Offices page.

The area office will listen to your concerns and work with you and the school staff to find a resolution. The education director is responsible for making a decision about your concern and they will communicate this to you in writing.

Step 4: If your concern is not resolved, you can advance it to the Office of the Chief Superintendent.

The Office of the Chief Superintendent will direct your concern to the appropriate superintendent. He or she will learn about your situation and review decisions made to date. As part of this process, the superintendent may meet with you and/or CBE staff in an effort to resolve the matter. The superintendent will notify you in writing of his or her decision after considering all the information.

This will serve as the final step in the concerns and complaints process.

We have an Administrative Regulation that helps guide us through this process.

Non-school-based concerns and complaints

If your concern is not directly related to your classroom or school, this process still applies.

Using the Concerns and Complaints Form, please direct your concern in writing to the appropriate CBE manager or director. Your principal can tell you the appropriate contact person, or you may call the CBE public information line at or 403-817-7955.​

Beyond the concerns and complaints process

Please review Administrative Regulation 5008: Appeals​ to determine if your concern is eligible for appeal. The issue must significantly affect the education of your student to qualify for an appeal. For more information, see Working Together: Appeals.​

​Our guiding principles regarding concerns and complaints:
  • Concerns and complaints are best resolved as close to the source of the concern or complaint as possible.
  • The best solutions come from parents, community members and CBE staff and administration working together.
  • Concerns and complaints are investigated and resolved expeditiously.
  • Concerns and complaints are dealt with in a courteous and constructive manner.

 Contact Us

To find out more about the concerns and complaints process, please contact your school directly.​
For other questions email:
CBE Public Information


 Supporting Documents

Last modified: 11/13/2024 11:39 AM
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