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Building & Modernizing Schools

Building & Modernizing Schools Criteria for School Capital Planning Priorities

Criteria for School Capital Planning Priorities

Each year, school boards submit a Three-Year School Capital Plan to Alberta Education by April 1. The Calgary Board of Education doesn’t decide when new schools are built. The Provincial Government determines where, when and how new schools are built.

The Calgary Board of Education’s Three-Year School Capital Plan annually requests new construction and major modernization projects from the provincial government. This plan identifies a single prioritized capital list consisting of both new school construction and major modernization requests, as required by Alberta Education. The plan identifies priorities for new school construction and major modernizations based on criteria approved by the Board of Trustees.

In Oct. 2023, the Board of Trustees approved new school ranking criteria for new senior high schools. The criteria include a point ranking similar to the K-9 new school ranking criteria. These criteria were used to evaluate new high school locations as part of the 2025-28 Three-Year School Capital Plan.​​

New School Construction, Modernization, and Modular Classroom Ranking Criteria

New School Ranking Points Criteria (K-9)
  • Preschool population using all preschool children 
  • Enrolment in CBE schools
  • Projected five-year sector population growth
  • Median travel time (considers travel time and distance of overflow school to the community)
  • Number of bus receiver schools required for the community
  • Existing K-4 or starter school approved or in existence
  • Greater than two transition points (K-9)

New School Ranking Points Criteria (10-12)
  • Enrolment in CBE schools
  • Projected five-year sector population growth
  • Median travel time (considers travel time and distance of overflow school to the community)

New School Ranking Criteria (10-12) | Contextual Analysis Considerations
  • Existing information currently provided for senior high schools in the Three-Year School Capital Plan
  • Utilization by student enrolment rates for a five-year period
  • Utilization by student residences. The utilization rate if all existing high school students were accommodated in schools in their community.
  • Site readiness within a two-year period.

Major Modernization Points Ranking Criteria
  • Educational programming requirements
  • Five-year projected enrolment
  • Quality of site location to serve students
  • Ability to upgrade in terms of teaching environment and minimizing costs
  • Facility Maintenance based on Provincial Real Estate Capital Asset Priority Planning (RECAPP)

Eligibility Filters for Modular Classrooms
  • Is the school over or projected to be over 90% in the next three years?
  • Is the accommodation challenge due to out-of-boundary students?
  • Does the school accommodate students from a community approved for a new school?
  • Is the school a starter school?
  • Is there a school in an adjacent community that can accommodate the students in the long term?
  • Will adding modular classrooms accommodate projected enrolment for the next 3-5 years?
  • Can the school site accommodate additional modular classrooms?

If the school does not meet any of these filters, the school will not proceed to the ranking process.


 Supporting Documents

Last modified: 3/26/2024 3:40 PM
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