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Busing & Transportation Calgary Transit Orientations

Calgary Transit Orientations

The majority of high schools students and many others in Grades 6-9 use Calgary Transit to get to and from school each day. The more you know how transit works, the more enjoyable your trip will be! 

Check out the Calgary Transit First Time Rider Guide for everything you need to know about taking transit.

My Transit Ride

The Calgary Board of Education​ and Calgary Transit offer a program called "My Transit Ride" for Calgary middle or high school students transitioning to Calgary Transit and their families. We are excited to offer this safety training and transit orientation to increase students’ comfort level and ability to ride Calgary Transit safely and efficiently.

The orientation includes different stations for families to visit to learn more about route planning, fares, how to ride the bus or CTrain, safety features, rider etiquette and much more. Calgary Transit and CBE Transportation staff will be available to answer questions.

The sessions run every half hour between 5 PM and 8 PM and take approximately one hour. 

​Dates and Locations​

The sessions are free but you must register in advance. 




​Tue​​​sday, Aug. 20

Nelson Mandela High School

45 Saddletowne Circle N.E.

Register with Eventbrite

Wednesday, Aug.​ 21

Ernest Manning High School

20 Springborough Blvd S.W.

Register with Eventbrite

Thursday, Aug. 22

​Bishop O’Byrne High School

500, 333 Shawville Blvd S.E.​​​

Register with Eventbrite

Last modified: 8/12/2024 12:39 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster