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Registration Alternative Programs

Alternative Programs

​For details please visit your desired school's website.
For language programs, prior language experience is not required for registration and parents do not need to know or speak the language.

View Program Options

Select One

New To CBE

Legal guardians / parents who do not have any children at the Calgary Board of Education

I Am New

MyCBE Account

Select this option if one of the following applies to you:

  • You have a child​ attending a CBE school
  • You have an active MYCBE Account​


Visit the Transportation for Alternative Programs page for important information on transportation options.

Parents will want to carefully consider the transportation services to and from the alternative program they want to enrol their child in.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Regular Program Registration

New Student Registration

Non-Canadian Citizen Registration

Non-Canadian students can register for alternative programs too! New to Canada

Last modified: 12/2/2024 8:09 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster