Fees & Waivers

Fees & Waivers School Fees Overview

School Fees Overview

For many families, costs such as busing, lunch supervision and field trips can really add up. We know that affordability is an issue for families, and we are committed to giving every student a high-quality education regardless of their family’s ability to pay fees.

If a family cannot afford fees, there are several ways to qualify for a waiver for fees.
Information About Waivers

Proposed System Fees

With affordability in mind for all families, the CBE has kept central fees relatively flat for many years. Central fees include yellow bus transportation, lunch supervision and school supplies. See below for important context in each of these three areas.

The following chart shows fees charged for the past five school years.

2024 - 25
2023 - 24
2022 - 23
2021 - 22
2020 - 21
Lunch Supervision
4 Day
$285 $285
4/5 Day
$305 $295
5 Day
Home Education
$152.50 $152.50 $142.50 $142.50
Alternating K.
Student Supply Fee
Half K. / Alt K.
$20 $20
Full Day K. - Gr. 6
Gr. 7-9
*No Fees charged in 2020-21, 2021-22
Mandated $260 $260 $280 $280 $465
K. = Kindergarten

​School Supplies (Kindergarten to Grade 6)

CBE charges a flat rate for school supplies to enable each student to have the same, high-quality materials available to them for learning for the entire year. Because we are buying for so many students, the CBE can bulk-purchase these supplies at a significant discount and pass the savings on to families. Student supplies are the same supplies that each individual family is responsible for purchasing in other jurisdictions.

Lunch Supervision

Lunch supervision is an optional service that covers the direct cost of supervisors who set up lunchrooms, supervise students while eating lunch and on the playground, and then clean up following the lunch break. Lunch supervision costs about $1.55 per day.

Families are free to make alternative arrangements consistent with their individual circumstances, e.g., child goes home for lunch.

Lunch supervision is an annual fee that is broken down into monthly installments for ease of payment. Refunds will not be provided for occasional disruption of service due to vacation.


To fund the expected service levels, the CBE charges a transportation fee. Also, the fees ensures that no funding is required from the dollars needed to support teaching and learning in the classroom.

Bus fees are lower now than in the 2019-20 school year for all students who ride a yellow bus and live beyond the walk zone. Additionally, parents received full refunds for transportation fees for the past two school years due to lower ridership over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.

System Fee Refunds

Cancellation of transportation or lunch supervision services require notice prior to the provision of a refund. Cancellations are accepted up to April 30 each year.

Refunds are not provided for days when service is missed due to illness or vacation.

School-Based Fees

Schools also collect fees for extracurricular activities, complementary courses and field trips. Families who have difficulty with these costs may reach out directly to their schools. Some trips, like sailing trips or trips out of Calgary, Alberta or Canada, are not mandated and are optional for students.

Why Are School Fees Needed?

The CBE only charges fees to cover the cost of providing goods or experiences to students. For example, if a trip to the Calgary Zoo costs $20 for busing and admission, we pass along that cost directly to families. We also charge fees when the cost to deliver a service (such as transportation) exceeds the funding we receive from the province.

Our fee revenue does not go towards core instructional funding or central administration costs. By law, the CBE cannot charge fees related to instruction, such as textbooks, workbooks or printing.

-Read more about school fee regulation below.

Oversight Of School Fees

Alberta Education requires all publicly funded school boards, including the CBE, to establish fee policies and procedures.

See CBE’s Administrative Regulation 7005

The provincial government also requires school boards to consult with parents prior to setting, increasing, or decreasing school fees. At the CBE, these consultations are typically scheduled over weeks in February and March as part of the school planning engagements.

The CBE created an internal committee in February 2020 to oversee both school- and system-based fees and waivers. The committee aims to bring a structured system-level approach to fees that is sustainable, consistent, transparent and accountable.


General Questions: StudentFees@cbe.ab.ca

Questions about Affordability:Feewaiver@cbe.ab.ca

Last modified: 8/20/2024 6:39 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster