
Lottery Overflow Schools

Overflow Schools

When a regular program school reaches its capacity, all new registrations are capped, and an overflow school is established.

 An overflow helps to alleviate overcrowding in schools and does not affect current students. New students may need to go to a different location until a spot becomes available at their designated regular program school.

Untitled Document
The overflow schools list is continually updated if a school reaches or reduces its enrolment capacity.​ To view school profile notices, se​​lect a school below. Then, scroll down in the pop-up window that appears.

​Regular Prog​ram School
Overflow School
Cambrian Heights School Livingston Community Only
North Haven School
Connaught School Ramsay School

Secondary Overflow ​ 
Earl Grey School ​

Third Overflow ​ 
Wildwood School ​
Copperfield School Sibylla Kiddle School
Cranston School McKenzie Lake School
Crossing Park School Clarence Sansom School | Grade 7 - 9 
Dr. Gordon Higgins School   Redstone Community Only
Bob Edwards School
Dr. Martha Cohen School
Copperfield Community
Dr. George Stanley School

New Brighton Community
Mountain Park School
Elboya School
Regular Program Only
Chinook Park School​ | Kindergarten - Grade 6 
Woodman School | Grade 7 - 9 
Grant MacEwan School Cornerstone Community Only
O.S. Geiger School
Secondary Overflow - Cornerstone Community Only
Catherine Nichols Gunn School
Griffith Woods School Battalion Park School | Kindergarten - Grade 6 
Bishop Pinkham School | Grades 7 - 9 
Hugh A. Bennett School Pineridge School 
Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School
Centennial High School

Copperfield Community Only
Lord Beaverbrook High School
Keeler School Redstone Community Only
West Dover School 
Kenneth D. Taylor School Cambrian Heights School | Kindergarten - Grade 4 ​
Lakeshore School Nickle School
Mahogany School Bayside School
Mount Royal School

Based on Student's Home Address
Vincent Massey School or A.E. Cross School
Secondary Overflow Based on Student's Home Address
​Queen Elizabeth High School

Nelson Mandela High School James Fowler High School
New Brighton School McKenzie Lake School
Northern Lights School Carrington Community only​
North Haven School​
North Trail High School Crescent Heights High School

Peter Lougheed School Pineridge School | Grade 5 - 6 
Clarence Sansom School | Grade 7 - 9 
Prairie Sky School Annie Foote School | Kindergarten - Grade 6 
Dr. Gordon Higgins School | Grade 7 - 9 

Secondary Overflow
Monterey Park School
Ernest Morrow School (Grade 6 only)

Secondary Junior High Overflow
Ernest Morrow School
Rideau Park School Chinook Park School | Kindergarten - Grade 6 
Woodman School | Grade 7 - 9 
Saddle Ridge School Hugh A. Bennett School​

Secondary Overflow 
Pineridge School 
Simon Fraser School  Evanston Community Only
William D. Pratt School
Sir Winston Churchill High School William Aberhart High School 
Taradale School Guy Weadick School 
Ted Harrison School Sherwood School 
Terry Fox School

Cornerstone community only​
Ian Bazalgette School
Secondary Overflow 
Ernest Morrow School 

Tom Baines School Arbour Lake School
West Springs School Olympic Heights School
Western Cana​da High School Regular Program Only
​Queen Elizabeth High School 


Frequently Asked Questions
About Overflows

How do I register for a regular program school with an overflow?

New students must register for their designated regular program school, even if it is in overflow. Once the registration has been received, the school will determine if space is available. If the student cannot be accommodated at their designated school, their information is transferred to the overflow school, and the student will be contacted by their new school. The student will be added to the call-back list based on priority.

If space becomes available during the school year, that space will be offered to students on the call-back list currently attending the designated overflow school. Students will be removed from the call-back list if they move out of the school boundary or transfer from their school.


Will I be included in the next school lottery if I am overflowed?

Lotteries are held mid-February each year. Regular program schools will use their callback list, which is prioritized based on the draw order established through the lottery process. Students who registered mid-year before a lottery was held will be included in the lottery if they remain at their overflow school and stay in the community.​ Students who register after the lottery are added to the bottom of the callback list in the appropriate priority level.


Alternative program schools are not overflowed​

Lottery Process

Is transportation provided to overflow schools?

Transportation services have a set fee for the school year. Students are eligible for transportation to their designated school or overflow school if they live beyond the walk zone. Overflowed students will receive transportation to and from their overflow school but must be registered for transportation through MyCBE.

Transportation & Busing

Last modified: 1/16/2025 8:18 AM
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