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Diverse Learning Needs

Diverse Learning Needs Students with Diverse Learning Needs

Students with Diverse Learning Needs

The Calgary Board of Education provides a continuum of supports and services for students with diverse learning needs. A specialized team supports students with their unique learning style to personalize and assist with program planning. With this personalization, students are typically successful in the community school.

The Calgary Board of Education is committed to achieving Alberta’s vision for inclusive schools and the following principles guide and inform value-based decisions and practices that are student-centered and inclusive (Alberta Education, 2020)​:

  • anticipate, value, and support diversity and learner difference
  • high expectations for all learners
  • understand learners' strengths and needs
  • remove barriers within learning environments
  • build capacity
  • collaborate for success

Inclusion in a Community Setting

All students who meet Alberta Education’s criteria for special education coding, register at the community school, based on the home address. In Alberta, the first placement option for educating students with special education needs begins in inclusive settings within the community schools. School staff in consultation with parents, create an Individualized Program Plan (IPP), to further address the specific educational needs of the student and identify conditions for academic success.

Programs for Specialized Classes and Unique Settings

The school learning team may explore additional supported programming options. If a student requires support and services beyond the community school, a referral for consideration of program placement in a specialized classes or unique settings begins with the principal of the community school and the school learning team. Consideration for placement in a specialized class or unique setting is a collaborative process among parents, principals, teachers, and others.

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Special Needs
Last modified: 8/27/2024 11:13 AM
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