Group of diverse students

School Culture & Environment

School Culture & Environment Bullying Prevention

Bullying Prevention

Everyone has a role to play in promoting healthy relationships and creating positive social environments that prevent bullying in our schools, communities and workplaces.

Alberta Education defines bullying as a conscious, willful, deliberate, repeated and hostile activity marked by an imbalance of power, intent to harm and/or threat of aggression. It can be verbal, social, physical, or cyber-bullying.  Bullying is not a normal part of growing up, and does not build character.

We reach out to our partners in the community including the Calgary Police Service, the United Way, mental health agencies, Alberta Education, Alberta Health Services and many youth organizations like the Boys and Girls Clubs, and most importantly parents.

We also have a team which works to reintegrate students who have been suspended and also works in schools with students to help unravel and discuss the often complex interactions that lead to incidents. Our diversity team provides guidance on complex issues of race and culture, and issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

Just as we personalize learning, we also personalize our approach to incidents of bullying at school. Every situation is different and requires a unique solution. Talk to your school if you require more information.

Ways for parents to prevent bullying:

  • Listen to children.  If someone tells you bullying is happening take action to stop it. If someone is exhibiting bullying behaviour, let that person talk about his or her experiences, and offer support in a non-judgemental way.
  • Be a positive role model. Set a good example, reinforce positive behavior and create constructive leadership situations.
  • Set consequences. Make bullying unacceptable.
  • Get involved in your school’s bullying-prevention initiative. Share your concerns about bullying and your ideas for preventing bullying with the school.

Ways for students to prevent bullying:

  • Be part of the solution. Tell an adult if you see others being bullied.
  • Tell someone you trust if you’re being bullied. Keep telling people until you get help.
  • Get involved in your school’s bullying-prevention initiative. Take part in groups and school committees; speak about bullying prevention at assemblies; join in events that teach bullying-prevention skills; and be a leader for other kids.

​Start Smart Stay Safe - S4

Start Smart Stay Safe logo

We work with the Calgary Police Service (CPS), Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) and Mount Royal University (MRU) to develop and implement a strengths-based model of teaching and learning.

Together we build positive relationships, create safe communities and prepare children for the challenges of our complex, changing world.

Visit for more information on this collaboration.

 Contact Us

Please ​contact your school for more information.​​

 Places Where Students Belong

Creating communities of belonging is important to prevent bullying, says teacher Jacqueline More.

 Bullying Helpline



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seven days a week.

Last modified: 8/30/2024 2:06 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster