Partnering With The CBE


Please complete the steps below if your organization has a program, service or resource that will support or enhance student learning in a school, during the school day. 

If you have an off-site/field trip opportunity that you would like shared with schools, visit our Request to Share Information with Schools pageThe CBE is not able to share or promote an organization’s field trip/off-site activity with schools unless it meets the criteria on that page.​

We recommend starting the partnership process at least three months before the start of programming. All partnership agreements must be finalized before the start of programming.

The time it may take to complete the partnership process depends on the complexity of the partnership and the timing of the proposal submission. New partner proposals will be reviewed by the Partnerships Review Committee.​ 

​New Partners

Step 1

Prospective partner completes the Partnership Proposal Form and submits it.​

Step 2

The Partnership Proposal Form​ will be reviewed by partnerships staff and other CBE staff to ensure required elements and information are included. The potential partner will be contacted if additional details are needed.

Step 3

The CBE’s Partnerships Review Committee reviews the partnership proposal. The committee will either approve the partnership, decline the partnership or ask for more information before making a decision.

Step 4

Approved Partnerships

The potential partner will meet with CBE staff to work out details of the agreement. (eg. Expectations and responsibilities of each party in the partnership, duration of the partnership, reporting requirements etc.) This may include back and forth edits with partner.

Step 5

Final version of the agreement is signed by a Partner representative and sent to their CBE Key Contact, with Insurance Certificate and any other documentation that’s required.

Step 6

Additional signatures and considerations may be needed based on the complexity of the partnership.

Returning Partners​

Partnership renewals for returning partners will be reviewed throughout the year. Partners wishing to renew their agreement should speak with their CBE key contact or they can contact Partnerships at ​

Working Together

The Calgary Police Youth Foundation has several programs that focus on crime prevention, education, early intervention, and risk reduction.

The Calgary Police Youth Foundation

All In for Youth connects youth to positive adults, removes financial and social barriers to high school completion, and introduces students to varied paths of learning and success post-grade 12.

All in For Youth ​​

Last modified: 7/29/2024 10:43 AM
Website feedback: Webmaster