Program Setting & Delivery
Pregnant and Parenting Teens
The CBE, Kindred Connections Society and Alberta Health Services work collaboratively to provide wrap-around services for pregnant and parenting teens. We offer educational programming and support for the physical, social and emotional needs of students and their children.
Louise Dean School offers a full range of courses that lead to a high school diploma or high school certificate of achievement. The school also offers a full range of CTS and complementary courses to students.
Administration and staff work individually with students to create a personalized and achievable program of studies for each student.
The school offers specialized life skill, prenatal and parenting classes that are credit based, and recognize the unique learning needs and life events of students. Teachers, nurses, and social workers collaborate to offer students access to leaders in these areas and the opportunity to freely and confidentially discuss issues related to pregnancy and parenting.
Scholarships designed specifically for students at this school offer opportunities to pursue avenues once a student’s time with the CBE is finished. Each year, many graduates go on to post-secondary programs.
On-site supports provided to Louise Dean School students:
Kindred Connections Society
Registered Undergraduate Social Worker
Life Skills Success Coach
Healthy Babies Network with 2 Registered Dieticians
Level III Early Childhood Educators for the Parent Child Learning Centre (PCLC)
Level III Early Childhood Educators for the parenting education program
Registration is ongoing for students who have not yet turned 20 by Sept. 1 of any school year. Students can register independently, through a school transfer or through agency referrals and assistance. All registered students are attached to the services provided by Kindred and AHS for the time they are enrolled at the school.
The school operates on a September to June instructional calendar, and there are multiple entry points for students throughout the year to ensure ongoing accessibility.
Please call the school to book an intake appointment at 403-777-7630.
Note | Louise Dean School will move to Jack James High School in the 2024-25 school year. Construction is currently behind schedule so students will begin the next school year in the current location in Kensington. The school will move over to Jack James High School later in the fall once renovations are complete.
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