William Aberhart High School - Immersion en action!

Apr. 09, 2021

To celebrate the month of Francophonie, a French Language Arts class at William Aberhart High School had the opportunity to meet virtually with the Consul General of France in Vancouver. Despite half the class isolating, students found a way to connect with Monsieur Philippe Sutter. Students were astounded and inspired by this unique opportunity to converse in French about their own thoughts from creating relationships around the world, recognizing common identities, the role of an embassy and consulate in a foreign country, current political issues around the World, how to become a Consul to “What is your favorite French desert ?"  M. Sutter left them with a wise quote from the famous poet Baudelaire about the relation between France and Canada : "Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté, luxe, calme et volupté."

This visit was made possible by the agreement signed between the Calgary Board of Education and L'académie Besançon, in the Franche Comté region of France and facilitated by School Improvement I Languages, the French Immersion Department at William Aberhart and the France Consulate in Vancouver.