Health & Wellness in School

Health & Wellness in School Scenario 2 - Blended Learning

Scenario 2 - Blended Learning

​​​​​The province announced on July 21 that all schools in the province will re-open under Scenario 1.

Due to the evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, health officials will work with school authorities to make the decision whether to transition to partial in-class learning (Scenario 2) or at-home learning (Scenario 3) based on multiple factors including the number of COVID-19 cases in a community or a school and the risk of ongoing transmission.

Any changes in the school re-entry scenario will be determined by Alberta Health/Alberta Health Services with information on local school-based and community information. We will remain in communication with public health authorities and will continue to follow their advice.​​

Cohorts or Grou​​ps of Students

School and class cohorts will be created based on a full day A and a full day B schedule. The student population will be split into two groups (alphabetically by surname) to attend on alternating days (A & B). Schools will work with families to match assigned cohort days to siblings, where possible.

More information will be provided by school principals.​

Government Resources

Last modified: 7/30/2020 11:01 AM
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