Kindergarten | 94 |
Grade 1 | 118 |
Grade 2 | 124 |
Grade 3 | 145 |
Grade 4 | 127 |
- Students, parents, staff and community members have the opportunity to collaborate and engage in a rigorous curriculum designed for today and the future.
- Foundational skills in literacy and numeracy are acquired through multi-disciplinary inquiry with an emphasis on essential questions, critical thinking, and creative responses to local and global issues that impact our quality of life.
- Our classrooms are active places where students use a variety of learning strategies and digital tools to gain a deep understanding of self, others and the world they live in.
- Environmental stewardship.
- Three pillars of Care: Take care of yourself, Take care of others, and Take care of this place
- Character education and are actively involved in local and global citizenship
- Supervised lunch program and a variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities.
- A music program and daily physical education.
- Cultural performances, artist residencies , author visits, guest speakers, fieldtrips and Celebration of Learning assemblies.
- Active school council and parent association.