Budget Update 2019-20

Nov. 20, 2019

For immediate release

PDF of Media Statement

Statement from Christopher Usih, Chief Superintendent of Schools:

The Oct. 24 provincial budget left the CBE with a $32 million shortfall. As this is a mid-year cut, the CBE must act quickly to present a balanced budget to the Board of Trustees before January 2020.

The Budget Assumptions Report was presented to the Board of Trustees last week and included several strategies we will use to balance the budget.

Today, approximately 300 teachers on temporary contracts will receive notice verbally that their contracts will end as of Jan. 2, 2020. They will receive official notice tomorrow. These teachers will be placed on the substitute teacher roster Jan. 3, and a number of them may be considered for future temporary contracts.

We are in the midst of making several other decisions to cover our budget gap, and these will be communicated to staff and parents as soon as possible.

This budget decision impacts many of our schools, classrooms, and students. We will continue to support positive transitions and effective teaching and learning. Continuity of learning is important, and we are working to minimize disruption to the greatest extent possible.


Media Statement

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