Personal Mobile Devices in Classrooms – 2024 - 25 School Year

Jun. 25, 2024

​​​On June 17, Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides announced new restrictions on the use of personal mobile devices and access to social media platforms for children and students in kindergarten to Grade 12 schools effective Sept. 1, 2024. We support the government’s intention of creating quality learning environments that support the health, wellbeing and academic achievement of students.  ​

The CBE will be taking time over the summer to review the announcement and accompanying ministerial order and what it will mean for CBE schools in the next school year. Families can expect to receive more information in advance of the next school year regarding: 

  • whether access to personal mobile devices is being limited during class time;
  • where students will store their mobile devices during class time;
  • how to apply for an exemption if your child has health or medical needs that require the use of a mobile device;
  • consequences for violations of the policy. 

Please see the accompanying letter to parents in English​ and French from the Minister of Education.