Mar. 15, 2018

Students of Samuel W. Shaw School had a wonderful week acknowledging Pink Shirt Day and the Be Brave Initiative. We sent almost 1,000 students and staff to the Calgary Hitman game on Tuesday, Feb. 27. Students were amazingly well behaved and all students represented our school well in the community.
Connie Jakabs, an inspirational speaker from Calgary, spoke to Samuel W. Shaw students on Thursday, Mar. 1 about courage and kindness. She shared how one day we will not need a Pink Shirt Day to acknowledge anti-bullying if each student decides to spread kindness and not hate.
Words are powerful, if we can all make positive choices with how we use those words with others, we can all make a huge impact on our society and world. As Gandi said, at Samuel W. Shaw School, we want to “be the change you wish to see in the world.
The CBE would like to thank the Calgary Hitmen for their leadership in assisting all Calgary and area students learn about acceptance and bullying prevention a day prior to the Canada-wide Pink Shirt Day. Over 14,000 students and spectators witnessed a great event and programming, including receiving their very own pink shirt for the following day. Attending the event from the CBE were more than 5,500 students, teachers and volunteers from 35 schools. The Hitmen’s “Be Brave” day was one of many of many tasks and activities designed to foster safe, caring, and inclusive school communities throughout the CBE.