News Centre
Thank You to Our Back to School Partners
Oct. 04, 2022
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This fall, CBE students in need of back to school essentials received support from a number of community agencies and organizations.
Thank you to our many community and corporate partners who helped over 1,500 students start their year with back-to-school essentials, making a great start to another year of learning. Staples Start to Smart backpack program provided 1397 backpacks filled with supplies to over 50 schools, and many newcomer students via the Welcome Centre. Costco distributed over 750 backpacks, and the Calgary Police Youth Foundation delivered backpacks and supplies to Patrick Airlie, Niitsitapi Learning Centre, and Piitoayis Family School, made possible by donations made to their crowdfunding campaign held last spring.
Many students new to Calgary and to the CBE, along with those returning once again, received backpacks and supplies that will support their learning success, and will alleviate the financial pressure felt by their families.
