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CBE celebrates another year of strong student results
CBE celebrates another year of strong student results
Oct. 09, 2014
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CALGARY – Calgary Board of Education students demonstrated another year of strong academic performance on the 2013-14 provincial achievement tests and diploma exams.
“We are very proud of our students’ achievement and celebrate their success,” says David Stevenson, chief superintendent of schools.
Students completing diploma exams demonstrated particularly impressive results. In 10 of 11 subjects tested, CBE students outperformed the province at the excellence standard. In eight of those 11 subjects tested, CBE students outperformed the province at the acceptable standard.
CBE students in Grades 6 and 9 outperformed the province at the acceptable standard and the standard of excellence in 16 out of 20 subjects.
“As we review these results, we are encouraged by and proud of what we are accomplishing.” says Joy Bowen-Eyre, chair of the Board of Trustees. “The results are a tribute to the hard work of our teachers, students, parents and employees.”
These provincial results give us a valuable snapshot that helps us identify areas for growth and improvement and build upon our successes. For example, we have seen improvements in previous areas that were identified as areas for growth such as English Language ARts (ELA) 30-1.
Provincial achievement testing is one of several measures the CBE uses to measure academic success. Another such measure is the province’s Accountability Pillar.
As of December 2013, CBE’s three-year high school completion rate has risen to 74 per cent, meaning more students are completing high school – one of our system’s ultimate measures of success.
For full results, please go to: Provincial Tests & Reports