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CBE Welcomes Japanese Teachers
Jul. 27, 2016
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From July 15th to July 23rd, 2016, the Calgary Board of Education’s Global Learning hosted a group of 28 English teachers from the YAMAHA Corporation in Japan. Our 10-year partnership with YAMAHA Corporation builds professional capital and supports our Japanese teaching colleagues to: improve their fluency, pronunciation and English vocabulary; to learn new techniques for teaching English language learners and for motivating their Japanese students to develop English language skills.
YAMAHA teachers participated in educational and cultural activities including a visit to Banff National Park and the National Music Centre, line dancing, and educational workshops hosted by our outstanding CBE teachers. We are honoured that YAMAHA Corporation continues to entrust the Calgary Board of Education with the opportunity to share our love of learning.
This important partnership is an opportunity for us to develop our cross-cultural understandings and to continue our long-standing friendship with our YAMAHA program teaching colleagues. The program was a great success and was a rewarding experience for the Japanese teachers, the CBE teachers who presented the workshops and the Global Learning staff who coordinated the program.