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High School

High School Program or Sequence of Courses Request

Program or Sequence of Courses Request

This information does not apply to Home Education

Reasons for A Transfer

The regular transfer process occurs February 1 to March 15 for the next school year.

Only Exceptional Case Transfers are considered at this time

A parent / legal guardian / independent student can request an exceptional case transfer to another CBE high school for the next school year for one of the following reasons:

  • Program or Sequence of Courses Not Offered​ (this does not apply to schools with a closed status)
  • Social / Emotional
  • Medical

You can only choose one program or one sequence of courses as the reason for your transfer request.

Requested Program or Sequence of Courses

Know What You are Requesting Transfer For

Decide which program or sequence of courses you would like to transfer for. Talk to your designated school, view other high schools' websites, or see our High Schools section and list of CTS courses

Please see the process on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme​ transfer page to request an IB transfer.  

Next Designated School

Go To Find a School

Search by Address
Type the student's home address, as registered with CBE.
Filter by Grade Level
Select the grade you want to transfer for. When you scroll down, you should see one Regular (10 to12) school listed, your next designated school. 

Requested School

For some courses ​offered at more than one school, you can request a transfer to a specific school. You can also indicate if you would be willing to accept a transfer to a different school for that course if a transfer to your requested school isn't available.  

View the Advanced Placement (AP) webpages, check out different high schools' websites, or speak with your designated high school to learn which high schools offer the course you want to transfer for. ​

Exceptional Case Transfer Process


Current ​CBE Students Who Want To Transfer

You will require:

  1. A valid CBE Student ID number

Not a CBE Student​​


Speak With Your Principal

Only exceptional case transfers are considered after March 15 for the following school year.

Speak with the Principal​ at your designated High School to see if they can support meeting your academic request. 

Ineligible Requests

We want students to be able to access their desired program or sequence of courses, whenever possible.

To best enable this, we will NOT accept requests for other reasons, such as athle​tic programs, specializations within a course (such as string instruments in band), or requests for siblings to attend the same high school.

Find Your Designated School

Each CBE student is designated to a high school based on their home address on file with the CBE.

Find a School Tool

Resident CBE Student

You are a Resident student if:

  • Have at least one parent physically resides within the geographical boundary of CBE
  • At least one parent is not of the Roman Catholic faith
  • Are an independent student who resides within the geographical boundary of CBE and who is not of the Roman Catholic faith

Non-Resident CBE Student

You are a Non-Resident Student if:

  • you are student whose parent(s) do not reside in the geographical boundary of CBE and/or both parents are of the Roman Catholic Faith
  • you are an independent student who does not reside in the geographical boundary of CBE and / or is of the Roman Catholic Faith

Schools Accepting Transfers

We need to make sure there are enough spaces for students who live in the communities designated to our schools for both course availability and school capacity, before we can accept transfers.

3 Status Levels

  • Open | Has the most available spaces (can accept new out of attendance area students)
  • Limited | Has limited spaces available (can accept a limited number of new out of attendance area students)
  • Closed | No space to accept transfers (exception for IB programme)

    High School Transfer Status
Last modified: 7/15/2024 1:51 PM
Website feedback: Webmaster